The Saudi Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism

Membership Program

Types of Memberships

  1. Membership in the association varies into four types: Regular, Associate, Honorary, and Distinguished
  2. The association may introduce additional types of membership. However, holders of any newly introduced membership types are not eligible to run for the Board of Directors under those memberships
  3. Membership in the association is restricted to healthcare professionals or individuals interested in the association's field of specialty, according to the membership requirements.

Regular Membership

A regular member of the association must be a healthcare professional specializing in (endocrinology and metabolism)

  1. A regular member of the association must be a healthcare professional specializing in (endocrinology and metabolism)
  2. Hold a valid classification with the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties
  3. Pay an annual membership fee of 100 Saudi Riyals
  4. Cooperate with the association and its members to achieve its objectives
  5. Avoid any actions that could harm the association
  6. Adhere to the decisions of the General Assembly

Rights of Active Members

The active member is entitled to the following

  1. Participation in the association's activities
  2. Access to the association's documents and records, including decisions issued by the general assembly, the board of directors, the administrative officer/executive director, or others.
  3. Access to the association's balance sheet and its attachments at the association's headquarters before it is presented to the general assembly with adequate notice
  4. Attendance at the general assembly
  5. Voting on general assembly decisions if six months have passed since joining the association
  6. Receiving basic information about the association's activities on a regular basis
  7. Access to minutes and financial documents at the association's headquarters
  8. Calling an extraordinary meeting of the general assembly in conjunction with 25% of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly
  9. A member may address the association with a letter directed to the board of directors. The association may also communicate with the member through a letter issued by the board of directors or a delegate appointed by the board, delivered personally to the member or sent to any of the addresses registered in the membership records.
  10. A written proxy for another member to represent them at the general assembly.
  11. Running for a seat on the board of directors, provided that at least six months have passed since joining the association and the membership fee has been paid.
  12. The active member may communicate with the association through any available means, and the board of directors or its delegate must respond using the same means or the address registered in the membership records.

The associate member

  1. A member is considered an associate member of the association if they submit a membership application and it is found that they do not meet one of the conditions for active membership, and the board of directors decides to accept them as an associate member, or if they apply directly for associate membership.
  2. The associate member of the association must:
  3. Pay an annual membership fee of (—) riyals
  4. Cooperate with the association and its members to achieve its objectives
  5. Avoid any actions that could harm the association
  6. Adhere to the decisions of the General Assembly

Rights of the associate member

The associate member is entitled to the following:

  1. Participation in the association's activities
  2. Receiving basic information about the association's activities on a yearly basis.
  3. Access to the association's documents and records
  4. The associate member may communicate with the association through any available means, and the board of directors or its delegate must respond using the same means or the address registered in the membership records

Honorary member

  1. An honorary member of the association is someone whom the general assembly decides to grant honorary membership in recognition of their material or moral contributions to the association.
  2. The honorary member does not have the right to attend board meetings
  3. The honorary member does not have the right to request access to any of the association's documents and records, attend the general assembly, run for a seat on the board of directors, or validate the quorum by their presence.
  4. The honorary member may communicate with the association through any available means, and the board of directors or its delegate must respond using the same means or the address registered in the membership records.

Honorary member

  1. An honorary member of the association is someone whom the general assembly grants honorary membership in recognition of their distinguished contributions to the association's field of work.
  2. The board of directors may invite the honorary member to board meetings, but the honorary member does not have the right to vote.
  3. The honorary member does not have the right to request attendance at the general assembly, run for a seat on the board of directors, or validate the board's quorum by their presence.
  4. The honorary member may communicate with the association through any available means, and the board of directors or its delegate must respond using the same means or the address registered in the membership records

Membership fees

  1. Each member of the association must pay the subscription fee according to their type of membership. They are not entitled to exercise any of their rights if they fail to pay the fee. The subscription rules are as follows:

    The membership fee is to be paid once a year, or on a monthly schedule based on the member's request and the board of directors' decision, with the following considerations:

    1. The membership fee must be paid through the online payment platform only (if available).
    2. The annual subscription must be paid before the end of the financial year
    3. A member is not exempt from paying any amounts due to the association if their membership ends.
    4. The board may grant members who have not paid their dues an extension until the next general assembly meeting

Termination of Membership

Membership status is terminated by a reasoned decision issued by the board of directors in any of the following cases:

  1. Withdrawal from the association, based on a request submitted by the member to the board of directors through the approved communication channels with the association, does not prevent the association from claiming any dues or funds owed or held by the member. Additionally, membership will be terminated upon death
  2. If the member loses one of the conditions for membership.
  3. If a decision is made by the general assembly to revoke membership, based on any of the following cases and at the discretion of the general assembly:
  4. If the member engages in behavior that causes material or moral harm to the association
  5. If the member uses their membership in the association for personal gain
  6. If the member fails to pay the subscription by its due date as specified in Article Twelve

Procedures for Termination of Membership

  1. In cases of membership termination, the board of directors must notify the terminated member through the approved communication channels (official letter, email, or text message) about the termination of their membership and their right to appeal
  2. After the reason for membership termination no longer applies, the member may submit a request to the board of directors to reinstate their membership. The board must decide on the request with a reasoned decision and notify the member.
  3. The member, former member, or their heirs may not claim the refund of any amount paid to the association, whether it was a subscription fee, donation, or any other contribution.